I am officially a seriesTV-addicted or as they say. In the sense that not only I like watching the hit television series, but I just stared at us for hours, weeks, months ... yes, years. The complete set of Sex and the City, we want to talk. Let's talk. I started it by accident one evening after dinner on la7, and I said cool, funny. Then as I had started the story from the first episode, I started to buy the DVD on sale. And slowly I began to not only wait on Thursday on alternate weeks anxiously for the release of two DVDs that sometimes devoured in one evening, but also to spend my beloved risparmiucci. And here I am, with the complete set, bought on sale the first 4 and la 5 e la 6 in edizione originale. Le ho guardate tutte ovviamente, ma non una volta, non due, cinque. Stavo cominciando la sesta visione un po' di tempo fa ma per diversificare un po', per evitare di anticipare le battute (non perché sono un genio o chissà che ma solo perché, dai, cacchio, 5 volte di fila nel giro di due anni, tutte le sere escluso i festivi, pure un bambino) allora ho deciso di metterlo in inglese. Ma non ci ho capito niente. Però mi ha fatto ridere lo stesso. Davvero, non è enfasi descrittiva. Chi mi conosce lo sa che lo faccio per simpatia verso chi mi sta facendo ridere, è un modo per essere cortesi. E adesso dopo che ho vagliato per un attimo l'ipotesi di gurdarlo in spagnolo (dai magari imparo una nuova language, I said. But how do I get?) I'm passionate about, we say that even after four episodes are now a slave, Grey's Anatomy. And I discovered why. Because it makes me cry. I am moved to tears. Because I am a sentimentalist, in spite of all the strong women who refuse to be impressed. I cry, even in the face of advertising with the children. And down a river of tears. Even with some singhiozzetto. And I love it, it relaxes me, relaxes me, makes me go a headache, and fills me with sadness that only one in the morning to night I can stand. Psychiatric therapy? Maybe.


Ps (true facts): I went to Milan at the weekend, with the mother. To see the exhibition by Renzo Piano. Really beautiful. Well put, beautiful designs, beautiful applications, beautiful way to approach the visitor to the projects. There was an atmosphere so familiar that it seemed to be in class with faculty Stazi. Too bad for the catalog. € 40. But the money?