Friday, September 7, 2007

Chocolate Oscar Statue Mold

The tart Federico II - Part II

But I say, like, you're not curious to know how did it end? Mica you have seen the end of my critters, well, if you insist, from here they are:

The tarts were 7. They were. I must say I am a bit 'burnt the tongue because it was pretty hot, but it was very good.

It 's too funny to make the sculptures with the dough progresses. I always did when my grandmother cooked, ate and then also the filling of tortellini and stealing the honey of cicerchiata.
I go back to my boring afternoon, CIA!

Hebrew Romantic Phrases

The tart Federico II

here that di Jesi ("jesi" say the Great Invocation well, with very wide open, like talking frog mouthed) tuuuutto is still gray and cold, but I console myself with the afternoon pastime that also would envy Sister Germana: do the little housewife. Now your baby, maybe not. But housewives. In short, I made a tart, a better than the jam, and then advanced as the pasta, I made the tarts even twins. What joy, what satisfaction. But why beat around the bush again, I'll show you not?

How fare una crostata in 10 semplici mosse
(in aiuto vi allego il fotoracconto)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Pokemon Auf Ti 84 Plus


Oggi ha piovuto, tuuuutto il giorno. Però è bella quest'aria frizzante, mi affaccio dalla finestra e sento odore di terra bagnata: aaahhhh. Mi fa venire voglia di fare cose, cose in generale, come i dolci. Domani faccio un dolce. Mmmm, vediamo, si. La crostata con la marmellata ai frutti di bosco, alla faccia della dieta.
Parlando invece di questa cosa fighissima che mi è successa oggi pomeriggio, surfing surfing I came across a bit 'by chance, a little' for no, one of the most spectacular design objects of my dreams. There are many in my hall of fame, which would not be enough to hold them all a whole house, but this, this is really one of the first. But you've never seen a ball-chair? I can find almost perfection in his manner, soft and round, the completeness of its image satisfies me the view. I know, with the ease with which things I fell in love outta me then, but this is actually an object which I desire! Along with a few hundred more chairs designers or architects. Very nice too little friend: the bubble-chair, really pretty. Only a few thousand dollars (a handful and a half, $ more $ meno) mi separano da quel manufatto così orgogliosamente rotondeggiante.

Poi girovagando ancora qua e la tra siti di finnish design and japanese folies ho trovato questo:

..e sul sito consigliavano di usarlo come oggetto anti-stress dopo una dura giornata di lavoro! Lo voglio! Non per lo stress, ma perché è inquietante e buffo e utile. Dai, alla fine è sempre un ceppo porta coltelli, solo un po' voodoo.