Country: South Korea
Year: 2007
Director: Pil-Sung Yim
A man searching for himself, struggling with a family who will not or is not ready to handle, he finds himself wandering through a forest Having had a crash.
Like magic is rescued by a girl who takes him to her gingerbread house (well, not literally, but almost ..) where there are two others to receive tender loving children and two parents from the sugary smile.
Everything is perfect, fairy tale, except that shortly after strange things start to happen: phones that do not work, roads that disappear, that seem impenetrable forests, beautiful and sweet and groceries too good to be true, plush toys and animals from dream, etc etc etc. ..
A dream, a story, a journey in feelings and emotions are often hidden or concealed, a sweet patina that covers the horrors and sufferings so great and inexplicable to be found only through the atonement young and naive world view that only children are capable of offer. A look innocent on the adult world and its perversions, a film that touches and involves multiple levels, so many as to be difficult to describe without falling into banality.
visually rich and imaginative, brilliantly interpreted and shared by four players who seem to embody their characters perfectly conceived, directed flawlessly. Maybe sometimes a bit 'simple, but is not this the advantage of being small?
to see, hard to forget.
Rating: 9