Yes .. yes .. no doubt this time the gift was not just for Matt but it was a regalone for all three ... a pregnancy test positivissimo ...!!
two months, we decided to expand our family but it was a thought that's all ... we never thought we would be satisfied so soon! But in a special day I received a special news! From
now on we have the feeling of being in 4 .. and still have to grow to accommodate the best of this new arrival.
I prepared this time to get pregnant .. and I want to live peacefully in spite of everything and everyone.
After resisting for two months work, having driven with the pressure under the foot, with nausea galore, I decided that I already have my job and Matt and continue my family .. this is my priority. . .. the rest I do not care and do not affect me why I should accept the advice of doctors and I got in early motherhood.
Obviously the price was the total detachment and disinterest towards me but I was aware, I had planned tutto questo..dopo l'anno di cacchina passato al lavoro...le difficoltà di inserimento..non mi ha sorpreso per nulla ciò ..come sono consapevole che rientrare al mio lavoro attuale vorrebbe dire passare mesi e mesi di calvario.
Ma non posso pensarci ora ci sono troppe cose a cui pensare.
Il tempo ora a disposizione è tantissimo ma per la prima volta dopo un anno ho ripreso contatto con me stessa, i miei tempi, il mio corpo, Mattia, la mia casa e Fabio.
Le giornate le trascorro in compagnia delle mie nausee e del mio reflusso, delle lavatrici, di qualche esercizio di yoga, coloro mandala, vado a prendere prima il nostro popino al nido, giochiamo di più insieme, qualche ora in più per me al pc per ciacolare con le mie amiche and a few more hours to cook more good things and sleep.
This new life inside me is so discreet .. .. I wonder every day I seem to be pregnant for the first time that this time will be more aware.