Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tanning Bed After Waxing

Strange Circus

Original title: 気球 クラブ, その後 ( Kimya na sākasu)
Country: Japan
Year: 2005
Director: Shion are

Mitzuko is the daughter of Gozo and Sayuri. Sayuri and Gozo are not exactly the perfect parents that you could imagine. Mitzuko is molested by her father and beaten by her mother. Tragic scenes in sumptuous walls of a wealthy Japanese family. Everything fell in the disarming scene psychology of delusional world that are Shion discovers, violent and bangs on the screen with a relentless precision. A world where everything seems fake, grotesque caricature. A world where everything becomes a metaphor for herself and a child is seen with the eyes of woman, man and spirit broken. A world in which there is no space to play but to play a role. Like all the characters of the strange circus that is a corollary to the story.
But what in reality is fake, imaginary .. and what is real? Who are the real circus? The strange beings from the stage asking for a volunteer among the public as a sacrificial victim ... or rather the beings who inhabit a world seemingly "normal" obsessions and impulses that are hidden behind a door chiselled in a wheelchair, a manuscript worn, a carry case for cello, a white coat punk, a local daring, a bottiglia di sakè..?

Strange Circus è spietato. Come un abile chirurgo, scava nella mente della protagonista mettendone a nudo le paure, le debolezze e la disperazione. Il desiderio di vendetta, il bisogno di redenzione, le profonde contraddizioni derivate da un passato non del tutto limpido e sereno.
E' un coltello affilato, un pugno nello stomaco, un'abile intrusione nella privacy di una famiglia, ma anche di chi osserva dall'esterno.. conscio del fatto che un vero "esterno" forse non esiste.
Un po' come si dice anche nel film... di quale sia la realtà in fondo non si ha certezza: cosa succederebbe se.... ?
Le possibilità infinite regalano l'escamotage perfetto per un film che mix plane of reality and identity many times .. trying to confuse, but instead of making an effective psychological portrait of actors and not.

picture perfect, wonderful director and actors sometimes over the top but never granted or unsuitable. Worthy of note is the sequence beginning and end. A film that rivedrei, and I saw many times. To remember, for sure.

Rating: 9

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What Do They Watch In Giza


This morning I wake with a start, Matt has returned ... the urchin's Mom has a nice bump in the face swollen and purple seems to do that before going to sleep and stumbled into a game as usual .. falling weight on the front (His Achilles heel).
better and I watch him limp ... it seems that the park has so much solace in the race to take a retort.
Not a bua .. two ... my poor chips certainly was not his lucky day .. and the evening he spent all dejected indicating first a war wound and then the other.
Luckily mom was able, after knitting like crazy for two days in a row, to give him a smile before bed ..
miraculously I finished the hat for him ... !

E 'or not is a satisfied smile and happy this?? Finally .....!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chicken Broth Preservative

Detective Story

Original title: Tantei Monogatari
Country: Japan
Year: 2007
Directed by: Takashi Miike

Raita Kazama ( Kazuya Nakayama) is a private detective a bit 'outside the lines, a sort of Japanese Magnum PI Ferrari and without luxury. Raita Takashima ( Kuroudo Maki) is office worker, an expert in computers and hackers mid-level, quiet, sober, dutiful. Two completely different men find themselves not only to share the same name .. but also to become neighbors in one of the now dilapidated buildings so dear to the usual horror film.
What Miike is not a classic horror title, is not even a detective story and can not be defined even comical, despite the continued presence of scene, battute e personaggi che di ridicolo hanno davvero tutto.
La trama si sviluppa attorno ad una serie di omicidi piuttosto cruenti, un ufficio di polizia che brancola nel buio buttandosi alla persecuzione di 4 sospettati a caso, fra cui il nostro Raita detective. L'uomo, innocente, parte così in una rocambolesca ricerca del vero colpevole aiutato dall'assistente Nagamine e dall'involontaria partecipazione del vicino suo omonimo.
A fare da sfondo ..la figura inquietante e grottesca di un artista un po' (tanto) sessuomane e attratto dall'occulto, fedele seguace del pensiero di Rudolf Steiner (leggasi ossessionato da..) e osannato dai critici d'arte come genio incompreso dell'epoca contemporanea.
Non sta a me svelare il finale, worthy of the best American soap opera .. with twists and twists from vaguely paradoxical, to M. Night Shyamalan.

Miike surprising, haunting, fun, entertaining and leads one to think. All in one film. Even if I find Tantei height of many of his other works, it is a tribute to genre cinema that finds space in the Saturday night cold and tasteless for those who can not leave the house. A film scartabilissimo, with clear drops of inspiration ("homages" to films like The Silence of the Lambs , officially) and discounted lines, which help to significantly reduce the credibility of Japanese cinepanettoni.


Rating: 5

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Christening Cards What To Write Godmother

Pasticcino Waiting ... Long live the caterpillar

temperatures that are more myths .. the days are much longer than you expect .... trying desperately calling on the cool autumn colors and flavors of autumn table in home dinners with our friends ..
The presence of George begins to be manifest not only in the evidence of my stomach that receives it .. is now present in all our days, Matt never forgets to give him cuddles, before going to school in the morning, or when he returns in the afternoon or evening before going to bye .. there he is clinging to the belly to give a pelvis to the little brother ..
... even Dad is full of attention to him .. all reciprocated by George seems to recognize that its time to wonder habits .. .. .. his voice and his touch answering in his own way ..

My cravings while increasing as the belly .. where is our beloved Pasticcino.

Waiting is wonderful .. like to hear it grow, incorporate the strength of her moves that increases with time of day. There are moments where I wish time could fly to see his little face .. keep your finger in her hand, kiss his feet and adore the scent of her skin, seeing the expressions of Matt at his side .. and there are of istanti in cui vorrei fermare il tempo..perchè questa gravidanza è trascorsa finora talmente in fretta che ho paura di non riuscire a dire ..a preparare..a fare tutto quello che vorrei per lui.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Conquerors Won't Load Or Start?


Sabato pomeriggio. Insieme a un amichetto e al suo papà usciamo verso le 16.30, destinazione Luna Park, che per un mesetto stazionerà in paese per la festa del patrono.
Mattia è sovraeccitato, si guarda intorno ed è tutto un "làààà", "làààà". Già il solo vederlo così mi fa passare il malumore che quel giorno mi appesantiva.

Cominciamo con qualcosa di tranquillo: il trenino!

Mattia è talmente occupato a guardarsi intorno che non protesta nemmeno quando lo faccio scendere dal trenino per andare verso un'altra giostra:sono talmente tante che non sa più dove guardare!

E' il turno poi della giostra classica, quella dove bisogna prendere il codino! Mattia ci mette tre giri per capire che quella cosa che sale e scende è da acchiappare al volo, ed al quarto giro finalmente alza le braccia al cielo verso Winnie Pooh per staccargli la coda! Peccato che nonostante gli capiti letteralmente tra le mani per ben tre volte non riesca a portare a casa l'agognato premio. Per ora abbiamo imparato ad alzare le arms to the sky, the next episode we also learn to close their hands around the tail!
The enthusiasm, however, is skyrocketing.

And finally, there it was in all its rattling speed: the caterpillar apple! A green roller coaster shaped like a caterpillar that shoots up and down the rails. I am a little hesitant, I think that goes a little too fast for us and Matt seems to me a little puzzled. Despite the fears, however, take courage and I put in the wagon popin squeezing tightly, perhaps a little too strong in fact ....

The train leaves, slowly climb on top of towed from the chain and then .... viaaaaaa! The first three laps Matti is absolutely still, eyes wide and his hands clutching the bar of protection. Then, it melts on the last lap on the way down and I hear laughing like crazy! Did you like it then! And how if you like!

The rides will stay for a month ...... and who stops piùùùùùùù??