That is, basically I'm playing the second heats of Christmas, which is overwhelmingly in the form reappear in my life di pranzi e cene senza fine. Forse è il destino che mi da una seconda occasione di rivivere quelle vacanze natalizie che non ho vissuto causa "svenimento da troppo cibo" già descritto nel post precedente.
Fatto sta che mercoledì sono andata da Francy la riminese (con sede distaccata ad Ancona) a cena, ieri ho fatto una cena tutte donne, stasera mi aspetta una cenetta intima ed informale, domani un compleanno e domenica, per concludere in bellezza l'atteso pranzo di compleanno del nonno bicentenario! Yuppi!
Dottoressa mi dispiace tanto, io lo so che lei si è impegnata con ardore sul mio caso ma mi obbligano capisce, non è colpa mia è che mi draw like that!
- Sincerely, - Anna - Perfect
said that, we talk about dell'esilarante dinner last night and all women. Jesi
If there is the saying that "ski three women is' 'nmercado four is' na' fair 'if we were in six seconds that you will be able to happen?!
First, the waiters at the sight of a horde of unbridled 6 women are all dressed up in broth jujube, and kill in duels to the death to make sure the service at that table. And then, I swear to you that after 5 minutes sitting at the table I was already bursting head, to me that I talk and laugh even in a dream. A continuous decline of phrases, kisses cast, photo posing, toast, glances around the table representatives behind because we were too ugly and old, processions to the bathroom, secret confessions, stumbling on various legs of the table and steps come out of nowhere, sudden succession of moments cigarette, gossip moments, serious moments, moments of "consolation friend who is sad," moments "oh my God that hunger," moments "oh God what I ate, just a salad tomorrow, 'and then staring at the table of all basketball players because there was a cool, all set to cook because it was a cool, all in fix the waiter because he was too unlucky. Then look at the clock and it was only half past nine. Oh dear.
Later on, at the stroke of midnight, like Cinderella we returned home with our golden pumpkins, head in the clouds and feet swollen.

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