keep asking "Baby High" how do you grow so well in my little body, I still wonder how comfortable do you stay there .. you are now much longer than he was your brother Matthew at birth but when we go there greetings all the controls you satisfied by ultrasound, and you do find a once breech and cephalic once .. then you still have room to turn around .. or be a contortionist future of mother love?
Yet a month ago did we first caught with his foot in his mouth and then with both knees almost in your mouth a little .. so grainy you have to be necessarily.
What I belly ... there are times when I think is defying gravity and I wonder .. how can I still do all these things at home, of course there are times when efforts to compensate for the mini sink on the couch or in bed with the belly of your hard hard rebellion.
I would stop time as you move inside me and I think there is only a thin layer of skin to divide us because ... maybe this will be my last pregnancy .. and then .. but then when I caress your Séderon tip .. I think I can not wait to see you.
I try to imagine how you have done .. and I would like the time fly even faster for you here in my arms .. I did not think I could ever love you so.
I wonder how will I manage two children not only temperamentally different, but also physically different. If I am a good mother or if I'll be a mother at least quiet.
When I look at the smiles on the faces of Matt I think we're basically doing a good job I hope to see it on your face just as many smiles my heart satisfied and I hope that the world will not spoil too much.
try to contain all the anxieties that I have ... but as we approach the moment ... I'm afraid I do missteps .. collapsing ... and then there would be that bad?
Perhaps it's only natural ... I have been telling myself to be very good but as always worked hard to get me compliments.
I try to be careful with every subtle change in my body to control everything goes well and then I realize that in life you can not control anything and so it is best that I resign and I rather like to relax before you get ... I would like to take 36 weeks but we know that you can not .. maybe I can not even get to 34 ed è meglio che pensi a come non rimproverarmi come al solito se ti cuccherai qualche giorno di terapia intensiva perchè è molto probabile che accadano entrambe le cose..e questa volta non posso perdere tempo a non accettare le cose..o ad arrabbiarmi con me stessa..perchè mi dovrò dividere tra te che avrai bisogno di sentirmi egualmente vicina, tra Mattia la cui vita subirà un grande scossone del quale ancora non si rende ben contro e il tuo papà ne vogliamo parlare e del suo carico emotivo?? Ricadrà tutto su di lui..i pensieri..gli spostamenti organizzati.. e poi..e poi ci sarò anche io ...che dovrò riprendermi.
Che paura e che miracolo cuore di mamma!!!
Baby come to me...
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