Cresci so quickly that I'm not used to the change of size so sudden that often catches me unprepared, nor even to all your achievements fast weight gain so strong, your strength .. but you're a pup, I always try, now very little sleep during the day, you always want to play, and put his lips down, become sad sad if I do not run away when you wake up, or if I suddenly go away to do some thing rightful home.
Last Monday I've got the first laugh in response to one of my fart, the first laugh to myself, how beautiful! Are no longer able to snag a fart you did laugh so, however, Ugh! E 'was great to hear you laugh. Would you like to sit often, always looking for a visual higher, you're curious about everything, drools like crazy, you have the teeth under that perhaps does not take long to sprout, you have to fill cheeks with kisses, a double chin just as soft and inviting. You are a constant discovery for me.
pacifiers hands you make me smile because you are tender, you begin to do your manual tests to take it to your mouth you understood everything in sight. Do you have beautiful eyes. The comment that you do more often is "how big" but my mom "how long ".... and it makes me smile, I know it's a compliment but if you saw the faces .. seems almost subliminal for some people that I have made a child so well placed! I committed is not to say that because you're a wonderful patatone, neither more nor less but your brother's beautiful!!
I'd be hours and hours talking about you, but they are cooked dear George, now you have been very demanding with me and I look forward to horizontalisation to rest my back. A kiss mother's heart, and happy birthday .. now .. or rather having the time yesterday was your name day.
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