And after all these preparations, a sleepless night for tossaccia Matthias, many small disappointments by relatives, a little 'tired of the heat accumulated seems there has been only that day and in the nearest days ... came the fateful day of your Baptism, dear George.
E 'was emozionantissima gesture gesture after the ceremony .. I even moved all of us have moved, not only for the pragmatism of the parish priest but the solemnity and the ease with which you have been presented to

Christian community.
Both you and Matti were two "figures". Were two little men
elegant and beautiful and you were very good and attentive all the time of the ceremony.
Refreshments at home was fine, the sun has helped us .. the garden and the house structure have granted that the kids had fun and parents relax, and you too protagonist sweet after a barrage of photos, ponds and gifts you could relax snoring in the seat after you smear a man of big fresh fruit! What can I say? It 'was a wonderful day that will remain in the heart not only to us but to all those who have stood with us.
Can I say something? Mom I want a little man of infinite good!