Ever since I got pregnant with my inner life Matthew has endured numerous emotional jolts ...
perhaps the greatest was to discover 26 years from my birth name of my genetic disorder and therefore also of Matthias.
Not so much the disease itself, but for all that it entails, the risk to every child transmission by 50%, the growth of Matthew and for all that I had calculated.
karmically I am convinced that everything that we do not tackle and we will go back once again with the passage of time and so it was for me.
Pregnancy Mattia, being totally alone in a new city, I was forced to lean on the only non-profit organization that was similar problems but not specifically.
I started going to people of small stature but with different skeletal dysplasia .. almost necessarily understand how it was ..... I felt a duty .. before that I had never happened and I became interested in almost a natural need of the social context that surrounds us and ignorance Rampant for diversity as a quid more, and not as discriminating.
To do this I had to stop discriminating against me ...
psychological work ... strong enough that I thought would lead me to something .. Today, after four years but I am aware that the greatest work I do with my family ...
with my family than I think even further than that all'Onlus I leaned in vain ... (actually, the only response had been illo tempore recommend the hospital to which I also reported for the second pregnancy, hospital that gave me the opportunity to meet the medical professional and human charm). And then just
associations that do not concern me, just pay dues .. 730 .. that end up nowhere, back to my original thoughts, to my normal life, just because the world is changed with the small things .. it starts from his life .. and then now we start again from 4 .. 4 .. because in the four years I was a little 'lost even to things and people who did not share .. which did not share the thoughts and ways of doing things .. Why
the greatest results for us 4 we have obtained mostly working on ourselves in these years without the aid of any worthy .. and dialogue to be established with the people around you ... and that's where I want to start today .. thinking only of myself and my family ...
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