Monday, February 14, 2011

Of Mossberg & Sons 195 12 Gage 2 3/4

Chilchalphorn - 3.040 m - February 12, 2011

La mail di Ewuska parla di una gita con Francesco, il mio primo 3.000 dell'anno.
Perché no? Inoltre ci eravamo fatte un programmino … ma come si sa, Ewuska ed io non dobbiamo programmare.
La gita che pensavamo per pochi intimi viene pubblicata su Hikr con la proposta di un raduno.
Acc … non è che sia entusiasta! Ma ormai non mi posso più tirare indietro.
Dico subito che ne sono stata felicissima di non tirarmi indietro, scanso equivoci. E poi, quando ho visto che partecipavano anche Grandemago e Lella non ho avuto alcun dubbio: si va!
Mentre per il programmino delle donzelle, ci si sono messe le previsioni meteo avverse a farmi tirare indietro a fermare il mio we al solo sabato.
Alla fine la partecipazione è massiccia, avrò l'opportunità di conoscere un sacco di Hikriani che per il momento conosco solo per le loro relazioni.
Ovviamente per noi la mattina inizia in modo rocambolesco: arrivo in dogana e Aldo è li. Ma non Luca. E' strano … di solito siamo in anticipo entrambi. Iniziamo a salire al bar quando arriva la telefonata: sono in ritardo a causa di un incidente.
Va bene, non c'è problema. Prendiamo un caffè, andiamo in bagno e appena usciti dal bar ecco Luca tutto trafelato. “Tranquillo!” Se vediamo che siamo in ritardo mandiamo gli altri avanti e noi saliremo dopo! Cerco di tranquillizzarlo ma non c'è niente da fare, alla fine arriviamo perfettamente puntuali all'appuntamento :)
In macchina ho lasciato davanti Grandemago … e ho fatto male. Alla fine ho dovuto far fermare la macchina e fare cambio con il risultato che poi ci ho messo un sacco di tempo a riprendermi e l'inizio della salita piuttosto veloce per i miei standard non mi ha aiutato.
Cmq, torniamo alla cronaca. Saluti. Non chiedo i nomi, tanto non li ricorderei.
Ewuska shows Amedeo ... I'm so happy! He found a way and tonight she gets home ... I feel a little less guilty:)
changes us and we go. Without the ready way and the result is that Max has left behind. Fortunately, the phone takes, call Cristina and the bottom of the group lingers for waiting.
I stay a little 'bad for the ginning of the group, I would have preferred, at least initially, go together but I try not to make a break and I loiter with Grandemago, Lella and Luke.
arrive for the last alp, where we first stop.
's not a question of having arrived last, is that those who are not party Grandemago and saw that they were still bustling with manciucchiare Lella, so they are left behind.
I kept turning to see if it came, but to no avail.
head trip and I was not, I repeat, I did not want to break the bales, so I'm holding my concerns and I have continued to rise, chatting with whoever happened within my reach:)
Luke is with me and that comforts me . I know I'll be around all day and are so quiet.
Climb the gully, but others have chosen other avenues to us this seems the best way.
By now we are 3 or 4, the others have disappeared. I'm so happy I almost do not have to submit to the step of anyone:)
arrive ahead of the summit, Francis began to be concerned about the tail of the group and tries to contact the "tail" with the phone.
look at the top. Luca leads me: I go straight up.
Well, the answer, I'll see you at the top.
I repeated his intentions.
Finally I understand: I am proposing is to follow.
Mmmmhhhhh .... I look at the top, look at the slope that he wants to go, I look at the slope that run the other ... I have little doubt: go to the steep!
I take off my snowshoes and follow Luke. If I remember correctly, we also follow Bertic and Francis, plus some other ski mountaineer. In fact
There's nothing complicated, too steep, too icy or too snowy. In short, it's just steep and it is really so hard!
Exhausted, I accept the proposal to bring Luke to the cake that I have in the backpack; Grignone obviously, with the malaise of the car in the morning, left their mark. The backpack weighs, so much, and when I feel it means that they are so heavy with fruit.
Luke comforts me and assures me that I get to the top. Is close to me so I feel morally and quiet again. I go with the backpack lighter and better as the summit approaches I pass even fatigue.
Eventually we get together with those who took the turn off so I guess che o non eravamo troppo lontani oppure il giro era molto più lungo. Scendendo poi mi rendo conto che il giro non deve essere stato poi cosi lungo per cui alla fine vince la prima ipotesi: non eravamo troppo distanti.
No, non è ansia da prestazione. E' che ho in mente delle mete, ho dei progetti che se non mi alleno per bene, sia come dislivello che come tempistica, non posso realizzare.
Arriviamo. E' bellissimo! La giornata calda ci permette una sosta molto lunga in cima.
Fraternizziamo con un gruppo di sci alpinisti con cui, tanto per cambiare, mi metto a chiacchierare.
Intanto penso a Lella. Mi sento in colpa. Se l'aspettavo sarebbe salita con me invece mi è arrivata la voce che lei, Aldo and Henry stop. But
Lella is a myth! Gradually, following in our footsteps, comes smiling! I run to hug her! I'm really happy! At the end we are in the top 13, missing Henry and Aldo to which we devote our victuals.
So we have: 2 cakes
a pie
a bottle of red wine
a huge salami
a whole wheel of cheese cutting board and knife
complete kit so that ski mountaineers known top take us around: where is the pasta?
Photo Rite, to them, to us, put together 13 people is not easy and I do not hold back here: I'm a guard dog and I go around collecting all the sheep to pose.
Pero 'I finally reached my goal: a beautiful photo of the top!
But it's time to get down, 2 of us are waiting for us down.
By Luke decide to get off the direct path, steep but much faster.
Ewuska and Amedeo face: no, it's too steep. They were on snowshoes, crampons us.
go down quickly, and certainly much earlier than the others. We reach the 2 (and Billie) and expect everyone to come. It lacks
still lacking 2 until someone says we expect the Alpe.
Well, get ready and get out. And we discover that it is only an idea, we're not sure. Eventually Cristina called Max and find out they are still up. They're fine, everything is fine, then Alpe appointment.
Luke and I have yet crampons. Everything's fine until a few tens of meters from the Alps.
And then the madness ... hole up hole ... I scared for those suffering a knee ... feet! But finally we come and we sit and wait for the last, munching, chatting, taking photographs.
I'd love to have a photo together, but I'm the only one to think so, why do not you ... Aw, Snap!
Descent. The last piece is always the ugliest, most obnoxious, the longest.
Ewuska I chat with, trying to organize our summer gitarella on Rosa and so we do not realize that we go down the country.
reuse lose:) but since the town houses are 2 and 4 find the car stalls.
time to change, wait until the last, to discuss whether or not to stop for a beer but then for us the road is long, we decided to greet everyone here.
What a day ... spectacular!
A big thanks to all!

Departure altitude: 1,650 m
Arrival altitude: 3,040 m
second Gipsy Difference: 1420 m about
Total time, including stops: 8 h 30 m
km traveled: about 10

not believe it, little man, to be who knows who, because before you were born I was already there and when you no longer exist I'll be there again (The Mountain)


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