Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How To Rid Of Groping Problem

Japan Sinks!

Titolo originale: Nihon Chinbotsu
Country: Japan
Year: 2006
Director: Shinji Higuchi

Based on a novel-disaster of 1973 (written by Sakyo Komatsu ) and remake of the movie filmed that same year Shiro Moritani, Japan Sinks is the "Day After Tomorrow" version in Japan.
sliding plate which supports Japan in the Pacific plate leads to the inexorable sinking of the Japanese archipelago, with a side of tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and so forth. The film develops two parallel storylines that intersect only at the end: on the one hand we have a group of scholars who fight against time to find a solution to the disaster while the government tries to salvage, the other a girl member of a team of trained emergency response that does everything to preserve the happiness of his family and anyone who happens to shoot.
Obviously there will be a meeting between the scholars and the girl and of course the question will be their love story to lighten (or sink at all, while we're on the subject) the dramatic story. Significant

few sentences and situations that reveal the huge gap that runs between the absurd and unshakable optimism made in the USA (not even the ice and killer typhoons apocalyptic fail to halt the advance of Dennis Quaid in the film by Roland Emmerich) and the equally absurd and inevitable patriottism-pessimism of a Japanese Prime Minister who is in that "doing nothing and die together to their country" the only possible solution (but then not actually implemented, otherwise the movie would last 30 minutes ). Emblematic the situation that sees the final country of the Rising Sun left alone to himself and been abandoned by friends, casual reference for logistic or ill-concealed cosmic pessimism prevailing insecurity in the gajin (strangers)?
Despite the many discrepancies and the absurdity of many scenes are spectacular and (as people cooked Zotto jets invincible at every stage, but actors and always well groomed, just to name a ...), Japan Sinks is a very good disaster movie style special effects that are highly respected and very strong visual impact.
funny and touching at the same time. Council comfortable chair and popcorn, given the length (more than two hours).

Rating: 6.5

Goodman Thermostat Wiring


Original title: Sorum
Country: South Korea
Year: 2001
Director: Jong-chan Yun

A young taxi driver moves in a dilapidated building on the outskirts of a big city, building demolition smell except that the few remaining tenants have no interest in moving. Upon arrival stringe amicizia con una donna vessata dal marito violento, provocando così la gelosia e la curiosità degli altri inquilini del piano.
Poco dopo si viene a sapere che nell'appartamento del giovane si è consumato un dramma e che questa morte è collegata a fatti ancor peggiori accaduti trent'anni prima.

Film più drammatico che thriller, più giallo che soprannaturale, più neorealista che realistico.. affonda le proprie radici in tradizioni e pregiudizi che trovano fondamento in una società alla disperata ricerca di se stessa, in perenne declino e senza via d'uscita. Uno sguardo terribile e maliconico sull'impossibilità di crescere ed il desiderio, insito in tutti noi, di ritornale all'ovile e a quella figura materna a volte fuori dagli schemi (una donna incapace di badare a chiunque, una ragazza isterica.. perfino un appartamento abbandonato), ma sempre disposta ad accoglierci a braccia aperte quando tutto sembra andare male.
Sorum sembra dare nuovo significato alla parola "casa" che assume la doppia valenza di edificio e di entità, di grembo materno ma anche luogo di prigionia.. dove si è protetti dal mondo esterno ma non dal nemico più pericoloso: se stessi.
Una spirale discendente, verso l'oblio e l'autodistruzione in una continua ricerca della felicità che immancabilmente sfugge ad un gruppo di protagonisti sempre più tristi, disperati e incapaci di domare le proprie emozioni.
L'unica soluzione rimane la fuga, from life, commitment, work. Grow away from their roots. But is it really possible? Interpreters
amazing, intense dialogue and photography make this cruel way unique and very interesting, despite the many down times and the dramatic stillness of the whole affair. But he could not be shot otherwise.

Rating: 7.5

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Where Does Justin Bieber Live


Original title: Kisaragi
Country: Japan
Year: 2007
Director: Yuichi Sato

Japan, the young idol Miki Kisaragi committed suicide in his apartment. Exactly one year later, 5 men gather to pay homage.
These are the most regular members of online forums dedicated to Miki, as well as his biggest fans.
One of them, however, suspect that the death of the girl is actually a murder and begins to point the finger at others attending the meeting. From here accusations and confessions in turn, in a series of almost endless plot twists that will take us to the final solution of the mystery (but is it true?) And conclusion of the film.
The story takes place entirely within a small attic, playing the entire plot on the dialogues and the physical play of actions and gestures made by players, canceled in their individuality through the use dress the same and asked to acknowledge by name (the metaphor of depersonalization inherent in online communication), which are found to play a sort of Greek tragedy in a closed space and suffocating (in fact at some point it starts to rain).
The only exceptions are the few flashbacks, almost always represented by a mixture of cartoon and photography (reference to the unconscious world of memories).

scary movie that has nothing that could possibly annoy the viewer to search for continuous visual excitement and frantic, but which is not slow. Dialogues and interpreters in unison makes the plot is constantly evolving, keeping the suspense high and thus guaranteeing del pubblico nonostante le limitate suggestioni action-oriented e il modesto lato spettacolare.

Dieci piccoli indiani in versione treatral-nipponica, spesso citato come commedia ma ben lungi dall'esserlo, senza tuttavia risparmiarsi in trovate divertenti ed ironiche.


Voto: 7

Pokemon Dusk Goldnds Downloden

Attack the Gas Station

Titolo originale: Juyuso seubgyuksageun
Paese: Corea del Sud
Anno: 1999
Regia: Sang-Jin Kim

Notte. Un gruppo di ragazzotti un po' strambi decide di rapinare una stazione di servizio. Niente di eccezionale.
Passa un po' di tempo.
Notte. Il gruppo di ragazotti above, bored while eating noodles at a neighborhood restaurant, he decided to break the monotony of robbing a service station. the same service station. But then realize that pretending to be the owners perhaps earn more. From here a series of daring and absurd situations of violence so funny to provoke uncontrolled laughter, like the beatings to which we had used the classic Bud Spencer & Associates.

Attack the Gas Station is not, of course, a horror movie. Indeed.
Film unpretentious but highly effective, full of references and citations (can not think of it as the Korean answer to A Clockwork Orange, which is both child both parody and homage), pleasant and enjoyable nonetheless.
Note on the interpreters (never over the top), a magnificent flagship youth malaise brought to the screen in an ironic and light, without falling into the obvious. Subtle criticism of the rigidity of the Korean education (both in the family and in schools, with particular attention to the world of art and sport) which does not reflect the originality and unconventional nature of four young people who, for this are punished and forced into a life of rebellion (personal and social). Absolutely
significant final redemption, but that does not include punishment for players who reach the long-awaited maturity thanks to raids such as these and thus acquire the courage to realize their dreams.
all presented in a fun and funny, almost like a bitter pill coated with cotton candy.

Rating: 7.5