Original title: Kisaragi
Country: Japan
Year: 2007
Director: Yuichi Sato
Japan, the young idol Miki Kisaragi committed suicide in his apartment. Exactly one year later, 5 men gather to pay homage.
These are the most regular members of online forums dedicated to Miki, as well as his biggest fans.
One of them, however, suspect that the death of the girl is actually a murder and begins to point the finger at others attending the meeting. From here accusations and confessions in turn, in a series of almost endless plot twists that will take us to the final solution of the mystery (but is it true?) And conclusion of the film.
The story takes place entirely within a small attic, playing the entire plot on the dialogues and the physical play of actions and gestures made by players, canceled in their individuality through the use dress the same and asked to acknowledge by name (the metaphor of depersonalization inherent in online communication), which are found to play a sort of Greek tragedy in a closed space and suffocating (in fact at some point it starts to rain).
The only exceptions are the few flashbacks, almost always represented by a mixture of cartoon and photography (reference to the unconscious world of memories).
scary movie that has nothing that could possibly annoy the viewer to search for continuous visual excitement and frantic, but which is not slow. Dialogues and interpreters in unison makes the plot is constantly evolving, keeping the suspense high and thus guaranteeing del pubblico nonostante le limitate suggestioni action-oriented e il modesto lato spettacolare.
Dieci piccoli indiani in versione treatral-nipponica, spesso citato come commedia ma ben lungi dall'esserlo, senza tuttavia risparmiarsi in trovate divertenti ed ironiche.
Voto: 7
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