elections inoizele
"rimugino e rimugino, vai a votare non vai a votare ?, a me poco importa, comunque oggi in italia per la cultura non c'è spazio e..."
l'operaio vuole
il figlio idraulico
se vuoi
se vuoi plus
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Prepare Pancake Mix In Advance
free? Almost .....
The move was made, chickenpox has come and gone too, the boxes were emptied almost all ... almost. For now those are filled with parked a bit 'here a little' there .. in fact many are hidden under the stairs.
Li amo entrambi!Perdutamente!
Giorgio ha cominciato a gorgheggiare è tutto un urlacchiare in maniera appassionata, mangia senza limiti, seno, latte artificiale, e anche le medicine se capita di prenderle se le gusta proprio! Odia i lavaggi con la fisiologica al nasino e odia restar nudo proprio!Al contrario del fratello che suda sempre anche d'inverno lui è freddolosissimo. Adora gli spazi aperti...tipo il lettone.
Mattia invece si è appassionato alle serie di Shrek, Madagascar e L'era glaciale e ai puzzle...adora i puzzle è riuscito anche a scovarne uno da 100 pezzi idoneo ai sei anni!!
E poi ha cacciato una chiacchiera è un martello pneumatico parla dalla mattina alla sera!
Just do not even know that ho scritto, ho la peste di Mattia che sta parlando a raffica da tre ore a volume altissimo e che mi ha accartocciato quei pochi neuroni ancora ricettivi che mi ritrovo a quest'ora..corro a metterlo a letto!!
The move was made, chickenpox has come and gone too, the boxes were emptied almost all ... almost. For now those are filled with parked a bit 'here a little' there .. in fact many are hidden under the stairs.
We went free? And who knows ... I still feel totally exhausted!
We also have the garden .. (for now pending), but I dare not watch it because who knows when we can fix it. For now if you are enjoying our cats.
Our little men are grown. Giorgio
almost three months and two blue eyes (uh mom I really did his son up with blue eyes and fair hair ...!! I was really good then! .. The pediatrician that the cutting of mutual asked me how these colors, I said that was definitely on the postman! Fabio who was with me gave me a dirty look!) There's not much more than his brother because George in altezza. Intanto Mattia non si accorge di nulla, lo ama e lo accudisce a modo suo.

Fabio ed io? Al momento siamo stanchi...riusciamo qualche volta anche ad abbracciarci a letto stretti stretti.. e mentre ci diciamo che siamo stanchi rubiamo in pochi secondi al tempo e a Morfeo qualche ora di sonno prima che suoni una delle due sirene. Ormai non è possibile più dormire una notte sana ...ha ripreso a svegliarsi anche Mattia...quindi una notte ci delizia il piccolo, una notte il grande..sono bravissimi e precisissimi a darsi i turni.
Sto diventando anche una maniaca delle pulizie..non so quanto durerà.. ora credo sia solo l'enfasi della casa nuova e dellasupermegacucinascenografica che finiremo di pagare chissà quando.
Mi sveglio much earlier than when I went to work and I think it would work a treat and go to bed much later, the pc see it for brief periods a day now .. because those are only brief episodes in which George purr of day.
I wondered why I even opened this blog, since I do not have time .. Why allow others to peek. I do this for my children, because they have a memory of my thoughts and those of their fathers, and because both grow our heads held high regardless of their height, I do not forget me for who I am, I do it for a purpose also social , I do it because when I was pregnant with my first pregnancy and desperate to read about Emma Bowler on the BBC website has helped me build the family and that I find in myself the courage I needed and I hope one day to be just to help someone, I do it because often when we speak of diversity or disease There even is scared, not knowing that diversity belongs to all human beings as well as illness, I do it because the life of a small woman or a small mom does not have anything different from that of other moms and just show it with pride as the life of my son Matthew has nothing different from that of not only George but that of all children covered in the standard of approval in the world.

Friday, March 12, 2010
What To Wear With Loafers Women
Tokyo Psycho
Original title: Tôkyô Densetsu: ugomeku machi no Kyoki
Country: Japan
Year: 2004
Directed by: Ataru
Yumiko Oikawa, promising designer and journalist, is haunted by strange characters and vaguely disturbing anonymous letters from the content ("You must marry me") apparently written by a stranger.
His life becomes a nightmare when, thanks to some friends recalled that in the past (on average) was the subject of the attentions of a mentally unstable boy, then imprisoned for the murder of his parents and disappeared from circulation. And if it was still him? With the help of a friend
novel detective discovers the truth, even if the expense will not be few.
Shot in very few locations, claustrophobic and haunting, this film by director Ataru Oikawa culture, known for the series Tomie and undisputed genialoide comic thriller.
Tokyo Psycho (you do not understand why the city is mentioned, never named in the film) comes to life by a story, Tôkyô Densetsu: ugomeku machi Kowa no Hanashi, of Yumeaki Hirayama.
fails miserably to make the atmosphere dark and psychotic, even if the attempt is made and is most evident in the characterization of Igumi, atypical and psychotic especially creative.
disjointed and seemingly senseless are, few sequences really disturbing cast as a kind of interlude in a story that struggles to be disturbing (rather than scary, it all seems overly irritating) but make sense when viewed from the perspective of the Assassin . Note
demerit for all agents except the antagonist who seems genuinely escaped from an asylum, perfect incarnation of schizophrenia and obsessive than double its character.
Visually poor, lack of special effects and strives sull'ordinario, trying to immerse ourselves in daily life .. a newspaper alas too plastic in order to be credible.
In essence, a watchable film with good ideas, which, however, are trivialized and wasted. It could be better.
Rating: 6

Original title: Tôkyô Densetsu: ugomeku machi no Kyoki
Country: Japan
Year: 2004
Directed by: Ataru
Yumiko Oikawa, promising designer and journalist, is haunted by strange characters and vaguely disturbing anonymous letters from the content ("You must marry me") apparently written by a stranger.
His life becomes a nightmare when, thanks to some friends recalled that in the past (on average) was the subject of the attentions of a mentally unstable boy, then imprisoned for the murder of his parents and disappeared from circulation. And if it was still him? With the help of a friend
novel detective discovers the truth, even if the expense will not be few.
Shot in very few locations, claustrophobic and haunting, this film by director Ataru Oikawa culture, known for the series Tomie and undisputed genialoide comic thriller.
Tokyo Psycho (you do not understand why the city is mentioned, never named in the film) comes to life by a story, Tôkyô Densetsu: ugomeku machi Kowa no Hanashi, of Yumeaki Hirayama.
fails miserably to make the atmosphere dark and psychotic, even if the attempt is made and is most evident in the characterization of Igumi, atypical and psychotic especially creative.
disjointed and seemingly senseless are, few sequences really disturbing cast as a kind of interlude in a story that struggles to be disturbing (rather than scary, it all seems overly irritating) but make sense when viewed from the perspective of the Assassin . Note
demerit for all agents except the antagonist who seems genuinely escaped from an asylum, perfect incarnation of schizophrenia and obsessive than double its character.
Visually poor, lack of special effects and strives sull'ordinario, trying to immerse ourselves in daily life .. a newspaper alas too plastic in order to be credible.
In essence, a watchable film with good ideas, which, however, are trivialized and wasted. It could be better.
Rating: 6
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Beautiful Half Nacked Women
The Unbelievable
Original title: 怪 谈
Country: Hong Kong
Year: 2009
Directed by: Fong SaiKeung
film version of a popular television series in Hong Kong, The Unbelievable is actually a kind of documentary film by nearly an hour and a half.
The crew of the TV series, not complete but almost goes to Thailand and Malaysia to look at the beliefs and customs of the place.
Since nothing exceptional here except that almost all the situations in which the protagonists are exposed or is patently false and built up quite tiring cliche by now, or very free and unnecessarily cruel.
said that, on an empty stomach is actually a film that knows how to win attention, bringing the viewer in touch with reality as distant and mysterious as to be attractive even in the most murdered (a dispassionate advice: if you are weak stomach, avoid like the plague): it goes from the evocation of spirits with a lot of voodoo practices in slaughtering of any animal species, rituals of rejuvenation by holy men of sexual hermaphrodites and the failed attempts at exhumation.
Giving a tragic tone, presumably to provide some kind of noble justification (?!?!?!) at all, involved the initial scenes that are nothing more than journalistic stock footage of the carnage that took place after the tsunami that struck the 'Indian Ocean in 2004.
Visually interesting, shot in documentary style with shots from vivo and consequent sea-sickness for the most politically delicate. However, it appears watchable, though not overly bright. Model
sometimes too unnatural but tuttosommato suit particciole by television star that was proper dive.
A note of credit for the many (and free !!!!!) cats that populate the shots.
be followed until after the "fake" letters, the final scene is interesting.
"Paranormal Activity" in Eastern version, with all that this entails.
Rating: 4.5

Original title: 怪 谈
Country: Hong Kong
Year: 2009
Directed by: Fong SaiKeung
film version of a popular television series in Hong Kong, The Unbelievable is actually a kind of documentary film by nearly an hour and a half.
The crew of the TV series, not complete but almost goes to Thailand and Malaysia to look at the beliefs and customs of the place.
Since nothing exceptional here except that almost all the situations in which the protagonists are exposed or is patently false and built up quite tiring cliche by now, or very free and unnecessarily cruel.
said that, on an empty stomach is actually a film that knows how to win attention, bringing the viewer in touch with reality as distant and mysterious as to be attractive even in the most murdered (a dispassionate advice: if you are weak stomach, avoid like the plague): it goes from the evocation of spirits with a lot of voodoo practices in slaughtering of any animal species, rituals of rejuvenation by holy men of sexual hermaphrodites and the failed attempts at exhumation.
Giving a tragic tone, presumably to provide some kind of noble justification (?!?!?!) at all, involved the initial scenes that are nothing more than journalistic stock footage of the carnage that took place after the tsunami that struck the 'Indian Ocean in 2004.
Visually interesting, shot in documentary style with shots from vivo and consequent sea-sickness for the most politically delicate. However, it appears watchable, though not overly bright. Model
sometimes too unnatural but tuttosommato suit particciole by television star that was proper dive.
A note of credit for the many (and free !!!!!) cats that populate the shots.
be followed until after the "fake" letters, the final scene is interesting.
"Paranormal Activity" in Eastern version, with all that this entails.
Rating: 4.5
Watery Cm Before Menstruation
Dead Air
Original title:
Country: Hong Kong
Year: 2007
Directed by: Xavier Lee Pak-Tat
After helping a girl ghost accidentally found by the roadside, saving the child she was carrying, a television producer becomes a somewhat dissolute kind of star with the help of that ghost.
Obviously the plans do not go as planned and will happen after the initial success of the sorts of things, including family dramas, with its almost our own.
Dead Air is a film for granted, yet another echo of yet another girl who died a little disturbed that back with a vengeance.
In this case, however, lack both the fearful effects that would make it less tedious the 80-minute video, is the psychological depth that would make them well-spent.
A film on the verge of stupidity, with a few (very few) scenes hit, which is saved only by minor characters, entr'actes ironic and funny in a sea of \u200b\u200bmediocrity in terms of both recitative and visually.
lacks suspense, the actors are inappropriate (the main character seems out of vogue more than a page from a cemetery) and low-impact, sustained over the top in an unequivocal manner. Special Effects
elementary school, and poor insight in the use of lights and do not lay some technical tricks to his advantage.
Boring, predictable and of little interest.
be avoided. Counseling in case of revenge!
Rating: 3

Country: Hong Kong
Year: 2007
Directed by: Xavier Lee Pak-Tat
After helping a girl ghost accidentally found by the roadside, saving the child she was carrying, a television producer becomes a somewhat dissolute kind of star with the help of that ghost.
Obviously the plans do not go as planned and will happen after the initial success of the sorts of things, including family dramas, with its almost our own.
Dead Air is a film for granted, yet another echo of yet another girl who died a little disturbed that back with a vengeance.
In this case, however, lack both the fearful effects that would make it less tedious the 80-minute video, is the psychological depth that would make them well-spent.
A film on the verge of stupidity, with a few (very few) scenes hit, which is saved only by minor characters, entr'actes ironic and funny in a sea of \u200b\u200bmediocrity in terms of both recitative and visually.
lacks suspense, the actors are inappropriate (the main character seems out of vogue more than a page from a cemetery) and low-impact, sustained over the top in an unequivocal manner. Special Effects
elementary school, and poor insight in the use of lights and do not lay some technical tricks to his advantage.
Boring, predictable and of little interest.
be avoided. Counseling in case of revenge!
Rating: 3
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