Country: Hong Kong
Year: 2007
Directed by: Xavier Lee Pak-Tat
After helping a girl ghost accidentally found by the roadside, saving the child she was carrying, a television producer becomes a somewhat dissolute kind of star with the help of that ghost.
Obviously the plans do not go as planned and will happen after the initial success of the sorts of things, including family dramas, with its almost our own.
Dead Air is a film for granted, yet another echo of yet another girl who died a little disturbed that back with a vengeance.
In this case, however, lack both the fearful effects that would make it less tedious the 80-minute video, is the psychological depth that would make them well-spent.
A film on the verge of stupidity, with a few (very few) scenes hit, which is saved only by minor characters, entr'actes ironic and funny in a sea of \u200b\u200bmediocrity in terms of both recitative and visually.
lacks suspense, the actors are inappropriate (the main character seems out of vogue more than a page from a cemetery) and low-impact, sustained over the top in an unequivocal manner. Special Effects
elementary school, and poor insight in the use of lights and do not lay some technical tricks to his advantage.
Boring, predictable and of little interest.
be avoided. Counseling in case of revenge!
Rating: 3
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