The move was made, chickenpox has come and gone too, the boxes were emptied almost all ... almost. For now those are filled with parked a bit 'here a little' there .. in fact many are hidden under the stairs.
We went free? And who knows ... I still feel totally exhausted!
We also have the garden .. (for now pending), but I dare not watch it because who knows when we can fix it. For now if you are enjoying our cats.
Our little men are grown. Giorgio
almost three months and two blue eyes (uh mom I really did his son up with blue eyes and fair hair ...!! I was really good then! .. The pediatrician that the cutting of mutual asked me how these colors, I said that was definitely on the postman! Fabio who was with me gave me a dirty look!) There's not much more than his brother because George in altezza. Intanto Mattia non si accorge di nulla, lo ama e lo accudisce a modo suo.

Fabio ed io? Al momento siamo stanchi...riusciamo qualche volta anche ad abbracciarci a letto stretti stretti.. e mentre ci diciamo che siamo stanchi rubiamo in pochi secondi al tempo e a Morfeo qualche ora di sonno prima che suoni una delle due sirene. Ormai non è possibile più dormire una notte sana ...ha ripreso a svegliarsi anche Mattia...quindi una notte ci delizia il piccolo, una notte il grande..sono bravissimi e precisissimi a darsi i turni.
Sto diventando anche una maniaca delle pulizie..non so quanto durerà.. ora credo sia solo l'enfasi della casa nuova e dellasupermegacucinascenografica che finiremo di pagare chissà quando.
Mi sveglio much earlier than when I went to work and I think it would work a treat and go to bed much later, the pc see it for brief periods a day now .. because those are only brief episodes in which George purr of day.
I wondered why I even opened this blog, since I do not have time .. Why allow others to peek. I do this for my children, because they have a memory of my thoughts and those of their fathers, and because both grow our heads held high regardless of their height, I do not forget me for who I am, I do it for a purpose also social , I do it because when I was pregnant with my first pregnancy and desperate to read about Emma Bowler on the BBC website has helped me build the family and that I find in myself the courage I needed and I hope one day to be just to help someone, I do it because often when we speak of diversity or disease There even is scared, not knowing that diversity belongs to all human beings as well as illness, I do it because the life of a small woman or a small mom does not have anything different from that of other moms and just show it with pride as the life of my son Matthew has nothing different from that of not only George but that of all children covered in the standard of approval in the world.

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