Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Firearms Control Card

Hansel & Gretel

Original title: 헨젤 과 그레텔 (Hen-jel-gwa Geu-re-tel)
Country: South Korea
Year: 2007
Director: Pil-Sung Yim

A man searching for himself, struggling with a family who will not or is not ready to handle, he finds himself wandering through a forest Having had a crash.
Like magic is rescued by a girl who takes him to her gingerbread house (well, not literally, but almost ..) where there are two others to receive tender loving children and two parents from the sugary smile.
Everything is perfect, fairy tale, except that shortly after strange things start to happen: phones that do not work, roads that disappear, that seem impenetrable forests, beautiful and sweet and groceries too good to be true, plush toys and animals from dream, etc etc etc. ..

A dream, a story, a journey in feelings and emotions are often hidden or concealed, a sweet patina that covers the horrors and sufferings so great and inexplicable to be found only through the atonement young and naive world view that only children are capable of offer. A look innocent on the adult world and its perversions, a film that touches and involves multiple levels, so many as to be difficult to describe without falling into banality.

visually rich and imaginative, brilliantly interpreted and shared by four players who seem to embody their characters perfectly conceived, directed flawlessly. Maybe sometimes a bit 'simple, but is not this the advantage of being small?

to see, hard to forget.

Rating: 9

Monday, November 24, 2008

Are Scorpio Men Flirts

Rampo Noir

Original title:
Rampo Jigoku Year: 2005
Country: Japan Directed
Akio Jissoji (episode "Kagami jigoku")
Atsushi Kaneko (episode "Mushi")
Hisayasu Sato (episode "Imomushi)
Suguru Takeuchi (episode "Kasei no grease)

4 episodes by as many stories 江 戸 川 乱 歩 (Edogawa Ranpo, real name 平井 太郎, Taro Hirai), contradictory Japanese author lover Westerners who go to novels from yellow to Edgar Allan Poe.
undoubted star of the film is Tadanobu Asano in the role of detective in charge (officially and unofficially) to resolve cases at the edge of the surreal and impossible.
Whatever the sick imagination of the stories represented here, what seems to emerge from the characters is a general feeling of malaise, loss of identity and the search for a new dimension in which to live in peace with themselves but not so much with that that you can not change its existence in extreme attempts to mutation, mutilation, alteration, immortality.

A film that speaks of hardship, loneliness, pain .. but also love, as may appear distorted or ill.
A movie that makes real the concept of Art and the declines in 4 new forms, frightening and fascinating at the same time disturbing. A film
inconvenient, uncomfortable. An alien
film tremendously and perhaps alienating alienation is, however, that daily bread, slamming in his face and making us aware of what actually pre-exists in the depths of every human being: the only excuse is probably the inability to give relief, or 'absolute lack of control otherwise.

A man who can no longer distinguish reality from reflection and eventually vanish in the mirror in which it would like to live, a woman who loves and hates allo stesso tempo il marito in maniera così distorta e sbagliata da distruggerne il corpo per poi seguirlo nel dolore, in comunione con un concetto di arte che va oltre alla perfomance, oltre all'opera pura; un uomo che soffre terribilmente di fronte ad ogni minimo contatto col prossimo ma torturato dall'amore folle per una donna, che lo porta ad un estremo gesto di annullamento e di trasposizione in quel mondo di sogni e illusioni che, anche se in modo tragicamente diverso, compare in tutti gli episodi.
Il tutto legato dalla figura di Tadanobu, uomo in conflitto con la propria esistenza e la propria definizione, uomo in perenne lotta con l'odio per la moglie inferma e l'odio per un se stesso che non basta più, che non esiste più se non nella duality of man and woman that we spot in the first minutes of this amazing film.

Rampo Noir is not an easy film to digest, I do not even call the film .. probably in a mad search for a definition of a work of art is precisely this path to hit the "public" much of its contents.
Magistrale, despite the simplicity of a director is not always up to the poetry of the script.

terribly difficult, ugly at times .. but missed.

Rating: 7.5

Letter Giving Permission To Travel


Title original: Shissô: boku ga kanojo or tojikometa wake
Country: Japan
Year: 2005
Director: Hideo Jojo

Asi, Yinan Kwangshu and have been friends since childhood and school friends. When the years pass, Asi becomes a beautiful girl and decides to get engaged to Kwangshu, breaking my heart to Yinan who has always loved you in silence.
After a series of involuntary and incredible adventures, Asi finds himself a prisoner in that house mad Yinan decides to keep it for himself convinced of being able to conquer (or at least exploit ..) in this manner.
In the outside world everything continues normally, people live their life and work in Yinan small workshop where he spends most of the time is boring and repetitive as ever, with the only diversion found a goose that wound becomes mascot for the case of the workers.
In the small house, Asi tries to get by as it may, without abandoning the idea of \u200b\u200ban escape, that more than once trying to achieve without success.

From here all right, not so much a tragedy that lurks behind a big misunderstanding behind a dull soup worthy of the best shojo manga. No mention
horror, only pain and violence in a film on the outcome not so obvious as one would expect, but perhaps forcibly honey, despite the apparent inability (or perhaps just difficult) to conclude differently.

Interpretations annoying to the limit of physical pain (the symphony of asthma è una sofferenza per le orecchie) ma anche intense e drammatiche al punto giusto, in un film decisamente non facile da vivere e rappresentare, scomodo per tanti versi. Non si tratta di violenza visiva quanto piscologica, in una spirale di eventi che, seppur estremizzati alla classica maniera nipponico-autodistruttiva, sono spesso comuni a molti di noi.

Scomodo, ma avrebbe potuto essere molto peggio (o meglio?)

Voto: 5,5

Mother Daughter Lesbian Consensual


Titolo originale: Lhorn - Soul
Paese: Thailandia
Anno: 2003
Regia: Arphichard Phopairoj

The visit of a group of kids to the old family home of one of them becomes a perfect opportunity to sciorinare old stories about ghosts and possessions very nice. Everything fell in Thailand rural villages and campaigns that do little Alpitour and very green line.

common thread throughout the film is the dialogue between Sao and Manao (I'm not kidding ..) which together with a friend go through the supernatural legends that populate their country. Starting from an evil black booklet (dejavu) we see several episodes, each tied to a different kind of ghost or spirit and place of origin: we have spirit eats raw chicken, lustful nymphomaniac spirit, the spirit scarecrow che vive in una pianta, lo spirito albero vendicativo.
Tutti legati alla natura, tutti in qualche modo strettamente connessi ad una pianta o simile.
Se l'idea di fondo non è malvagia, i personaggi di contorno presenti nella casa e le ridicole scene che si svolgono ai giorni nostri bastano ad abbassare il punteggio generale del film, rendendolo spesso scialbo, risibile e ben poco pauroso.
Interessante comunque osservare la minuziosa riproduzione di realtà e luoghi in genere snobbati dalla cinematografia (se non in occasione di documentari o film denuncia) che rendono estremamente esotico e realista l'intera architettura di un film altrimenti difficile da seguire senza appisolarsi almeno mezz'ora o più..

Visivamente semplice e di poche pretese, un film tutto sommato piacevole ma non indispensabile. Da vedere per chi ha uno spiccato interesse per la Thailandia, per le leggende e per i fantasmi. O per chi, come me, si sottopone volontariamente alla tortura perchè in fondo appassionato al genere.
Sconsigliato a tutti gli altri.

Voto: 4,5

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Digital Playground Movie Online

House of the Invisibles

Titolo originale: 一樓一鬼 (Cu' Xa' Kinh Hoàng)
Paese: Hong Kong
Anno: 2007
Regia: Elfa LEE Cheuk-Chun

Un'afosa mattina estiva poco adatta a qualsiasi attività fuori casa mi ha indotta a recuperare uno dei tanti dvd che prendono polvere sulla mia scrivania e dare una chance a "House of the Invisibles", che già avevo tentato di guardare...senza successo.

La trama, quantomai semplice e scontata, prende vita intorno ad un palazzo di quelli che si vedono ormai troppo spesso nei film targati HK e simili, le cosiddette città verticali, ed ai suoi abitanti decisamente fuori dal comune: macchiette, stereotipi, esseri umani ai limiti della società che arrancano per arrivare a fine mese un po' in qualche maniera o che sbarcano il lunario scommettendo ( e perdendo regolarmente ) su qualsiasi cosa si possa scommettere e ancora malati terminali, senzatetto, prostitute su prenotazione, drogati e perditempo vari. Ce n'è di che creare un'intera encicopedia neorealista.
A tessere le fila dell'orrore (ah che paura, che angoscia, non vi potete nemmeno immaginare...) sembrano essere una vecchia barbona e il letargico portiere testimoni e registi di un complotto ai danni degli ultimi inquilini "vivi" che devono vedersela con un esercito di fantasmi alla ricerca di vendetta, nuovi corpi da utilizzare, riconoscimenti, amore... e chi piùne ha più ne metta.
Quando finalmente tutto sembra essersi sistemato e già si sente odore di "e tutti vissero e morirono felici e contenti" ecco che si ricomincia da capo. E' proprio vero che il lavoro non finisce mai.

Una regia abbastanza banale, una fotografia povera di originalità ed una compilation di effetti speciali degna del filmino della prima comunione faranno storcere il naso agli spettatori più raffinati, ma fanno da cornice ad un film he da banale e scontato riesce comunque a trarre spunti di riflessione non indifferenti che spaziano un po' in tutte le direzioni. Se il finale non lascia adito a dubbi è comunque vero che il commovente epilogo che vede l'uomo represso e la moglie invalida come protagonisti regala una decina di punti in più ad un film che altrimenti soffrirebbe troppo di sindrome della fotocopia.

Voto: 5,5

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How To Rid Of Groping Problem

Japan Sinks!

Titolo originale: Nihon Chinbotsu
Country: Japan
Year: 2006
Director: Shinji Higuchi

Based on a novel-disaster of 1973 (written by Sakyo Komatsu ) and remake of the movie filmed that same year Shiro Moritani, Japan Sinks is the "Day After Tomorrow" version in Japan.
sliding plate which supports Japan in the Pacific plate leads to the inexorable sinking of the Japanese archipelago, with a side of tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and so forth. The film develops two parallel storylines that intersect only at the end: on the one hand we have a group of scholars who fight against time to find a solution to the disaster while the government tries to salvage, the other a girl member of a team of trained emergency response that does everything to preserve the happiness of his family and anyone who happens to shoot.
Obviously there will be a meeting between the scholars and the girl and of course the question will be their love story to lighten (or sink at all, while we're on the subject) the dramatic story. Significant

few sentences and situations that reveal the huge gap that runs between the absurd and unshakable optimism made in the USA (not even the ice and killer typhoons apocalyptic fail to halt the advance of Dennis Quaid in the film by Roland Emmerich) and the equally absurd and inevitable patriottism-pessimism of a Japanese Prime Minister who is in that "doing nothing and die together to their country" the only possible solution (but then not actually implemented, otherwise the movie would last 30 minutes ). Emblematic the situation that sees the final country of the Rising Sun left alone to himself and been abandoned by friends, casual reference for logistic or ill-concealed cosmic pessimism prevailing insecurity in the gajin (strangers)?
Despite the many discrepancies and the absurdity of many scenes are spectacular and (as people cooked Zotto jets invincible at every stage, but actors and always well groomed, just to name a ...), Japan Sinks is a very good disaster movie style special effects that are highly respected and very strong visual impact.
funny and touching at the same time. Council comfortable chair and popcorn, given the length (more than two hours).

Rating: 6.5

Goodman Thermostat Wiring


Original title: Sorum
Country: South Korea
Year: 2001
Director: Jong-chan Yun

A young taxi driver moves in a dilapidated building on the outskirts of a big city, building demolition smell except that the few remaining tenants have no interest in moving. Upon arrival stringe amicizia con una donna vessata dal marito violento, provocando così la gelosia e la curiosità degli altri inquilini del piano.
Poco dopo si viene a sapere che nell'appartamento del giovane si è consumato un dramma e che questa morte è collegata a fatti ancor peggiori accaduti trent'anni prima.

Film più drammatico che thriller, più giallo che soprannaturale, più neorealista che realistico.. affonda le proprie radici in tradizioni e pregiudizi che trovano fondamento in una società alla disperata ricerca di se stessa, in perenne declino e senza via d'uscita. Uno sguardo terribile e maliconico sull'impossibilità di crescere ed il desiderio, insito in tutti noi, di ritornale all'ovile e a quella figura materna a volte fuori dagli schemi (una donna incapace di badare a chiunque, una ragazza isterica.. perfino un appartamento abbandonato), ma sempre disposta ad accoglierci a braccia aperte quando tutto sembra andare male.
Sorum sembra dare nuovo significato alla parola "casa" che assume la doppia valenza di edificio e di entità, di grembo materno ma anche luogo di prigionia.. dove si è protetti dal mondo esterno ma non dal nemico più pericoloso: se stessi.
Una spirale discendente, verso l'oblio e l'autodistruzione in una continua ricerca della felicità che immancabilmente sfugge ad un gruppo di protagonisti sempre più tristi, disperati e incapaci di domare le proprie emozioni.
L'unica soluzione rimane la fuga, from life, commitment, work. Grow away from their roots. But is it really possible? Interpreters
amazing, intense dialogue and photography make this cruel way unique and very interesting, despite the many down times and the dramatic stillness of the whole affair. But he could not be shot otherwise.

Rating: 7.5

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Where Does Justin Bieber Live


Original title: Kisaragi
Country: Japan
Year: 2007
Director: Yuichi Sato

Japan, the young idol Miki Kisaragi committed suicide in his apartment. Exactly one year later, 5 men gather to pay homage.
These are the most regular members of online forums dedicated to Miki, as well as his biggest fans.
One of them, however, suspect that the death of the girl is actually a murder and begins to point the finger at others attending the meeting. From here accusations and confessions in turn, in a series of almost endless plot twists that will take us to the final solution of the mystery (but is it true?) And conclusion of the film.
The story takes place entirely within a small attic, playing the entire plot on the dialogues and the physical play of actions and gestures made by players, canceled in their individuality through the use dress the same and asked to acknowledge by name (the metaphor of depersonalization inherent in online communication), which are found to play a sort of Greek tragedy in a closed space and suffocating (in fact at some point it starts to rain).
The only exceptions are the few flashbacks, almost always represented by a mixture of cartoon and photography (reference to the unconscious world of memories).

scary movie that has nothing that could possibly annoy the viewer to search for continuous visual excitement and frantic, but which is not slow. Dialogues and interpreters in unison makes the plot is constantly evolving, keeping the suspense high and thus guaranteeing del pubblico nonostante le limitate suggestioni action-oriented e il modesto lato spettacolare.

Dieci piccoli indiani in versione treatral-nipponica, spesso citato come commedia ma ben lungi dall'esserlo, senza tuttavia risparmiarsi in trovate divertenti ed ironiche.


Voto: 7

Pokemon Dusk Goldnds Downloden

Attack the Gas Station

Titolo originale: Juyuso seubgyuksageun
Paese: Corea del Sud
Anno: 1999
Regia: Sang-Jin Kim

Notte. Un gruppo di ragazzotti un po' strambi decide di rapinare una stazione di servizio. Niente di eccezionale.
Passa un po' di tempo.
Notte. Il gruppo di ragazotti above, bored while eating noodles at a neighborhood restaurant, he decided to break the monotony of robbing a service station. the same service station. But then realize that pretending to be the owners perhaps earn more. From here a series of daring and absurd situations of violence so funny to provoke uncontrolled laughter, like the beatings to which we had used the classic Bud Spencer & Associates.

Attack the Gas Station is not, of course, a horror movie. Indeed.
Film unpretentious but highly effective, full of references and citations (can not think of it as the Korean answer to A Clockwork Orange, which is both child both parody and homage), pleasant and enjoyable nonetheless.
Note on the interpreters (never over the top), a magnificent flagship youth malaise brought to the screen in an ironic and light, without falling into the obvious. Subtle criticism of the rigidity of the Korean education (both in the family and in schools, with particular attention to the world of art and sport) which does not reflect the originality and unconventional nature of four young people who, for this are punished and forced into a life of rebellion (personal and social). Absolutely
significant final redemption, but that does not include punishment for players who reach the long-awaited maturity thanks to raids such as these and thus acquire the courage to realize their dreams.
all presented in a fun and funny, almost like a bitter pill coated with cotton candy.

Rating: 7.5

Saturday, May 10, 2008

What Color Tie Goes With Grey


Original title: Pure
Country: Japan
Year: 2005
Director: Yuichi Sato

Adapted from a story by Tomoko Ogawa, if I had not read the original story probably would not have understood much about the plot. Pure part by a fairly interesting (a kidnapping that turns into a ghost story, yet I missed this) but will expire at the obvious and taken for granted with little dialogue and incisive writings probably under the influence of some illegal substance (the only amazing thing in this film, in my opinion) and expressiveness from the actors who flaunt squid in brine.

Mitsuru Miwa and decide to kidnap a child (a case !?!?!? the film seems so ...) in order to repay a large debt due to the ransom money. Too bad the plan goes up in smoke thanks to the arrival of three friends (a little dumb, if you will pardon the expression) and a pair of ghosts for that purpose.
course, what better place to hide if not the old scuola di lui? L'espediente permette di mettere in scena le più ridicole scene horror mai viste: un tripudio di mani mozzate col compasso (non scherzo, provate a misurare la macchia di sangue e ve ne accorgerete), taglierini killer, lavagne assassine e gabinetti mortali. Niente di eccessivamente splatter, anzi. L'orrore è più che altro suggerito (molto bene oserei aggiungere: dopo un minuto di film già avrei voluto cavarmi gli occhi dalla noia) dall'atmosfera tetra dell'edificio in cui si svolge l'intera vicenda.
Su tutto aleggia poi la presenza di una bambina pseudo muta che passa tutto il film a giocare a nascondino, rendendosi oggetto dell'odio non solo dei protagonisti ma anche mio. Aggiungiamoci anche il fantasma di una girl commits suicide for love and the recipe is ready.
If the final scene in the gym could give full meaning to the whole story, giving a very touching moment, the last shots outside ruin the already fragile house of cards upon which the whole movie and call into question the entire thesis, thus making vain attempts to rationalize.
boring and disappointing.

Rating: 4

Diaper Lottery Shower Poem


Original title: Hausu
Country: Japan
Year: 1977
Director: Nobuhiko Obayashi

cult film for some movies to forget for (many) more ... Hausu is the directorial debut of Nobuhiko Obayashi, which in 1977 brings a frenzy of on-screen color images and perhaps never seen before.
History, fairly trivial, part of the usual school and the usual schoolgirl at the mercy of the inevitable family crisis. From here the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing a group of companions on a trip to the home of her aunt, who lives in a kind of cursed castle on top of the cliff top surrounded by a moat and fiery lava and guarded by a ferocious dragon.
Seriously, the "home" is the true protagonist of the film, acting as a refuge and a prison at the same time, place of serenity and security family hides but (like all the houses in this world) made of a dark side perversions, violence and unorthodox rituals unheard.

do not expect the usual meatloaf psicological-dramatic Hausu is anything but boring, all but seriously ... anything but movies.
Two hours of hallucinations, delusions, visual-sound, trash found worthy to be handed down to posterity (can not forget the head in the well or the piano cannibal) and so, so, I ask.
The weaving of plots and subplots is reason for being in the presence of disturbing (even for gattofili most hardened like me) a seraphic white Persian cat (in fact, white is for the Japanese synonymous with death) and sowing terror (and mewing) for the duration of the film. A work

strange, to be taken with too many expectations and not to be considered for what it is: a long video shot in the psychedelic '70s. Funny.

Rating: 6

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mysore Mallige Chetna What Is Mysore Mallige ?

Crazy Lips

Original title: Hakkyousuru kuchibiru
Country: Japan
Year: 2000
Director: Hirohisa Sasaki

... Oh, say! can you see by the dawn's early light ... So
explain the plot of this film can be as simple as it is impossible at first glance it seems the classic supernatural thriller in the background, with some additions in more than a girl, trying to save his brother from the charge of multiple murder, turns to a psychic who, with the help of an assistant's very shrewd, takes advantage of the situation to achieve their own purposes (and obscure) by exploiting the weaknesses of the family in question.
That seems so trivial but maybe a movie worthy of the name falls here and the donkey. What I wrote is actually the plot of another film, what they might have wished (or had?) turn in origin, but by no means but to Crazy Lips.
Here is part of a family besieged by journalists a little problem 24 hours a day and haunted by a policeman who is a little slippery to define, a mother who seems to have the character of a jellyfish in alcohol, a nymphomaniac sister and perpetually angry with the world, a younger daughter with obvious social disorders (and beyond). Not to mention Japan's version of Vanna Marchi widow at the funeral in constant company of a sex maniac in version undertaker and dandy pair of FBI agents (Japanese American and her wig as such a duty, his undercover agent in style super-KungFu Matrix) led by a mysterious Colonel suffering from penis envy.
Season with erotic scenes-like (more like lessons on how to knead the bread, now I understand the desperation of many Japanese women) and splatter sequences from kindergarten.
unique and inimitable sound track, consisting of unreleased tracks (probably an original creation of the director's son, a great musician trained in the use of the keypad of the phone), music footage (see under 70's cop) and great vocal performances : Can not forget the poignant ballad that Satomi (no, I'm not referring to the purple haired Kiss Me Lycia) dedicated to his brother so loved (well, probably if you really loved avoid opening the mouth) and the wonderful interpretation of the national anthem by American FBI agent wig.

A film that never fails to give us a smile (more of a laugh uncontrollably), despite the total absence of light in almost every scene (buy a pair of lamps would have risked undermining the budget), the complete lack of expressiveness and logic is that the characters in the plot, the absolute absurdity of the whole affair, and especially the sequence shaolin in the woods.
The only thing I must mention is how amazing the nonsense of the whole film will find its raison d'etre in those final two minutes of that call genius: a drammatica e feroce critica nei confronti della nuova società nipponica, così americanizzata, così alienata e così depravata da trovare rifugio solo nella morte (per mano propria o del "nemico"). Un epilogo feroce e crudele che regala sollievo e l'illusione (perchè tale è) di vivere al sicuro, lontani da quel mostruoso mondo.
... What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming ...

Voto: 5

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How To Write A Confirmation Sponsor Letter


Titolo originale: Gwai Wik
Paese: Hong Kong
Anno: 2006
Regia: Oxide Pang Chun , Danny Pang

Scrivere un libro è un po' come scrivere se stessi, come se una parte della nostra anima si staccasse e andasse a vivere tra quelle pagine, in quegli appunti, su quei foglietti strappati e gettati nel cestino... inutili e dimenticati. Ma nessuno vorrebbe mai sentirsi inutile e dimenticato e per questo a volte i pensieri che scartiamo si ribellano e ci costringono a confrontarci con l'orrore delle nostre azioni. Che lo vogliamo o no.
Si apre allora una porta, un varco che ci conduce là dove vive la fantasia, prima di morire divorata dall'oblìo.
Questo è quello che succede anche a Tsui Ting-Yin, famosa scrittrice di romanzi rosa ora impegnata nella stesura di un libro su fantasmi &co.
Quello che parte come un viaggio nel mondo Discarded ideas and memories will prove to be removed soon a sort of pilgrimage to the rediscovery of herself and a part, probably, never accepted its existence: that of mother.
After the apparent banality of the first 20 minutes, the film opens the viewer like a wonderful book (I do not think the similarity is a case ...) led by as many thousands of fantastic characters and amazing surreal worlds, through which Tsui embark on a path that will bring revival to face his deepest fears and remorse, until the final moment of poignant and sweet (tempered by a final scene probably unnecessary, but not too inadequate). After

a series of tumbles film, the Pang brothers is back with an absolute masterpiece, a film that knows how to combine the visionary spirit of Lovecraft and the horror of Gaiman's series such as Silent Hill and painters such as Bosch, mitigating all with a touch of melancholy and sweetness. A tenderness that strikes straight to the heart and gently caresses a theme in itself quite atrocious.
Attractions. One, ten, a hundred times.

Rating: 9

Patch 1.1.638 Simcity Deluxe 4

Wild Zero

Original title: Wild Zero
Country: Japan
Year: 2000
Regia: Tetsuro Takeuchi

Zombies, l'apocalisse, alieni su astronavi a forma di palle dorate, una rock band troppo "rock'n'roll" e dedita al culto della gommina per capelli, uno sfegatato fan rockettaro pessima imitazione di Fonzie e con qualche problema di identità sessuale, un manager col feticcio delle mutande in pvc, un'orda di gemelli pelati e agghindati alla YMCA, un'amazzone anoressica trafficante d'armi ed aspirante maniaca omicida, una coppia di idioti tanto brutti da essere anche peggio dei non morti, un rapinatore in crisi mistica che piange alla vista del sangue, una donna che in realtà è un uomo che però sembra una donna ma dovrebbe essere uomo e alla fine non si sa cosa sia.
Non enough?
Wild Zero is one of the most atrocious things ever born out of the human mind. He wants to be serious and he is so insane as to be nauseating. Can not laugh, you can limit pity the poor extras ... hopefully they were unaware of the fate that they were going to encounter. Some scenes
help pay the nearly two-hour movie, but honestly I would not recommend even to my worst enemy. If you think you've hit rock bottom, think again: Wild Zero is the worst thing that can churn out the Japanese cinema. Probably the only reason he is considered a cult.
The film is not saved even at the technical level: education director, silly shots, ending sequences, effects obtained with blood and I put special made with Crystal Ball. It takes courage to call it low budget, in this case speak of no-budget-at-all.

If you are not convinced ..

Guitar Wolf. The man cursed
pick. A name of security.
Guitar Wolf, Bass Wolf and Drum Wolf ... But these were not just limited to hippies strumming in the garage of the house?

My rating: 3

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ideas For Rugby Initiations


Original title: Jiu ming
Country: Hong Kong
Year: 2004
Directed by: Chi-Leung Law

Prestami un rene tu, che te lo presto pure io!! Non sto scherzando, il film in questione pare evolversi proprio intorno ad una tale idiozia e non accenna a redimersi nemmeno quando gli si offre l'occasione su di un piatto d'argento.
Dunque, vediamo di ricapitolare la trama (penso che ad HK si siano visti un po' troppe puntate di Beautiful ...): il tutto parte da un matrimonio in un grande hotel di lusso e da una testimone un po' troppo ubriaca che, manco a dirlo, diventa testimone non solo degli sposi ma anche dell'omicidio di turno.. il quale omicidio non è un semplice assassinio..bensì il classico appuntamento galante con furto di rene. Manco a farlo apposta la testimone accusa l'amante del fidanzato il quale, because the connections were not always enough, is a doctor and former classmate of the accused. Of course, the protagonist suffers from renal failure (but it ?!!?!?) and after a while 'in house raids, threats, etc. .. befriends the rival (well, but it is obvious, no?). I could go on until tomorrow but please do not force me. Any obvious that comes to mind, be assured that end up in Koma.

bad. The basic idea, or give some sort of body and soul to urban legend died of kidney, is good. The picture is not very exceptional, but some night scenes show is certainly some studio shots of light and trying to bring the film to levels tuttosommato decent.
The sound is great, some songs make very poor otherwise disturbing atmosphere of suggestions (and also the simplest consistency base), helping the viewer to bear this torture until the last scene. Right on the final

rather fly .. because if you can still find some logic in a story in itself quite sentimental-messy, the last two scenes undermines any attempt at redemption for a film that surely falls in an almost obvious sci-fi (no joke .. I would really see how many people would do such a gift .. see to believe).
A soup, in fact. A soup seasoned with obsessions pseudo amorose, nudità a dir poco imbarazzanti e 4 protagonisti che avrebbero avuto miglior successo come venditori al mercato del pesce. Forse avrei fatto meglio a comprarmi un Harmony: se non altro, leggendo un libro, gli attori me li scelgo io.

Voto: 5

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Can Gonorrhea Lay Dormant?

Blooded nails

I wanted to begin by describing the evening of the carnival (which for me was Saturday, February 2 and Sunday) but then I got distracted ... I looked a bit 'around ... and I saw the red nail polish that I had given my cousin for Christmas, and so I put me, and now I'm writing ... there can imagine what fun! I look like a spider with the tips of the legs all red zompetta at random on the keyboard, even a little 'suck. It seems like a splatter scene, but no. However my
Carnival was fun, but that night I had her nails red. We started, me and my friends, dressed as Grease, you know gonnone females with large and fluffy, and males with leather jackets and pants close, then we realized that none of the three girls had a nice gonnona but something more than a fluted type sad collegial style and to dance with the leather jacket is like going to sea with a ski suit. So we arranged. Well, my friend seemed to spring Barbie, dressed in pink and flowers, the other Barbie Sport, with the red shirt and handkerchief to his throat as if it was just out of the tennis court, and I, all in black, I looked like Barbie gravedigger. I mean even the shadow of Grease. It 'also true that there were those who were dressed worse than us, like all men who bring out the woman who was manifested in their sequined dresses and adjoining parcel, or the guy who was masked from "I just got out of the shower" with bathrobe, flip flops and shaving foam. Maybe I was unleashed on the Dancefloor too cold and then I took the exit, put then advancing age, the fact is that I found myself on Monday morning with sciatica in his right leg and now also a tear in the back. AND 'creature of the night that was in me is retired, ihihi.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Spanish Skirts For Sale

The highlight of Sunday

That is to say, oh what a thrill. After years, but I say years, after decades, but I say decades, eons after I found it. You know that character's disturbing, brown, with open mouth and threatening do you see in this picture:

e di risposta a quella anche su questa:

beh, l'avete mai visto? Io si, e mi fa ridissimo, e fino a qualche tempo fa ne ero ossessionata. Poi come tutte le mie ossessioni, me ne sono dimenticata. Ma il punto è che, dai, guardatelo, non é fighissimo? Non fa troppo ridere? Non vi sta già un po' simpatico? E prima, mentre con una mano mangiavo mezzo cracker con il prosciutto e un pezzo di gambo di sedano e con l'altra facevo zapping su internet, l'ho ri-trovato! E con lui anche il suo nome, é Mr.Domokun , è un piccolo marrone a bocca aperta mostro nato da un uovo che vive con una saggio vecchio coniglio underground. He likes the TV so much ( small brown open-mouthed monster hatched from an egg who lives with a wise old rabbit underground. He really, really likes TV and ... ) and has officially become my best friend!

Apart from this gem for connoisseurs, I take this opportunity to tell you that, although initially against my will and then after a while 'less, I also have a myspace, so for the joy of all you see / read / hear yet another me on the net! Happyhappyhappyhappyhappynesse Oh!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Job Interview Thank You Letter Email Subject

Live with New Adventures Veronika

.. beautiful, 'Annam ... kennel is all blown alloy wood-grilled, kennels SEPARATES FLY TRANSFER, thee dead friend that you're sad 'n relative? but damn you! who sings you go! noche el rhythm! ahahahahahahah

.. Daje Lucia, coriera well lose this here, hurry up ... SPIN AND FLY dishes SCRUM, tie, flat .. hints 'na candle' s ass if you pela! flat 99 euros, Daje!

I grow up I want to be like Veronika: beautiful elegant and refined, but the barbie, Tie.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How To Fold A Fan Serviette

Survived almost unscathed in my second Christmas, on Monday I decided to give a boost of energy to pigrissima my life: I went to the gym! Well yes dear friends, after months of delay and references I took courage and went 4-hands "in that place where you become figs" and where the walls are plastered with young girls all puppe and white teeth. I, too, of course I made with the complete studio: funky pants, tops and t-shirt hot strong ... Then, after 45 min of treadmill, stepper, rowing machine and a pseudo my image has been transformed: sweaty from fear with a swallow's nest hair and red face that even after a day at sea, a monster. I approached the mirror because I wanted to stretch e. .. aah ... oh God ... how horrible! Then you turn around and see those not, those nice and dry Rachi, who are they, on their steppuccio, chat serene and not break down one iota, not a drop of sweat, that nervous!
Luckily my two boys that make me scompisciare with the bicentenary of the super-grandfather calves of steel and bring me back to reality!

If I had known I'm the one with the black pants and blue top. You know, I took a few pounds, that's why I go to the gym, not!